Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My First You-Tube

Well, actually it's Cheryl's first. Kindergarten graduation was last night.. with a little music program first. I love the way Cheryl's school sets these up, by the way: short and oh so sweet.

You can't hear the song, the video's jumpy (taken on a digital camera, not a video camera) but the point is... It's hysterical! Ok ok ok, if I can get geeky assistance and a song that I think goes well with it, I'll add some appropriate music. In the meantime, please enjoy Amanda's running monologue!

My favorite author, Janice Taylor says laughter's great for weight loss(check out her new book, please! I'm loving every second of "All is Forgiven, Move On") and she's absolutely right. Have a yummy giggle on me!

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